the I | the We
a scripted gathering
This Art Fair
"In the present exhibition, we do not come to look at things. We simply enter, are surrounded, and become part of what surrounds us, passively or actively according to our talents for engagement, in much the same way that we have moved out of the totality of the street to our home where we also played a part." - Allen Kaprow
Each work begins with ‘stepping inside’. An association building, studio, museum, drawing, fair booth. This space is the stage for the encounter: a directed whole within which, through careful interplay, everything is connected and each player is co-responsible. From July 6 through July 10, it begins by stepping into the This Art Fair. There Cindy presents the I | the We: an interdisciplinary project in which the investigation of the intertwining of the two human positions takes shape. Through a locket with a sung chord, a series of sculptures, and a fictional dialogue, the human balancing act is jointly explored.
Look at the video of the medaillon HERE
See images of the product presentation HERE
Remaining works from the series
the I | the We scripted gathering This Art Fair
the I | the We a product presentation 2022
the I | the We a medaillon 2022
the I | the We a scripted gathering 2022
the We 2020 a scripted gathering
- 2020 scripted gathering
het Wij 2020 performance in 4 scenes
het Wij 2020 a composition for singers
het Wij 2020 posterseries
het Wij 2019 flag for performance
Untitled, 2013 performance tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2013 gathering tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2011 drawing tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2010 publication tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2010 performance tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2010 drawing tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2010 drawing tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2010 performance tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untiteld, 2010 publication tijdelijk verdwijnen
Untitled, 2009 photography overgave
Untiteld, 2009 performance overgave
Untiteld, 2009 publication overgave